Application Process
We strongly encourage you to reach out to you our office to get started on your application.
Apply for Admission, send the following information:
- completed application for admission
- high school transcript
- nomination/recommendation form (completed by a school official)
- completed family financial statement form with copy of parent's income tax return or medical card
- completed insurance provider, medical release and parental release for student travel
- authorization for release of records
- applicant questionnaire and essay (includes a 75 word essay)
The Upward Bound Selection Process:
- Interested students must complete the application
- Submit the application to their high school counselor or to the Upward Bound Office
- Application will be reviewed
- Student and parent will be contacted to set up an interview
- Based on the overall information given during the selection process eligibility for participation will be determinded by the Upward Bound staff.
Parent/Guardian Application Video- English
Parent/Guardian Application Video- Spanish |
Coming Soon!
Apply Now!