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When you take classes online, it is important to know that your computer or laptop meets the system requirements necessary to be successful in your studies.

This page will help you determine what you need to be successful studying Intensive English Online.

Questions to ask yourself before starting your class:

What web browser should I use?

You will access your classes using Blackboard. The following are web browsers that support the Blackboard website.

  1. Chrome (Desktop versions 49+)
  2. Microsoft Edge (Desktop versions 20+)
  3. Firefox (Desktop versions 48+)
  4. Safari (Desktop versions 9+)

You can also access Blackboard using the browsers above on a mobile phone, but you should do most of your class work on a desktop computer or laptop.

Note: Do not use Internet Explorer to access your Blackboard account.

How strong does my Internet connection need to be?

The best connections will use DSL or Cable. Wireless connections are unreliable, so try to avoid using wireless internet connections when trying to stream instructor videos or taking a quiz.

Do I need any browser plug-ins? (ex: Java)
Yes. It is possible you will need a browser plug-in such as Java to be successful in your online classes. Blackboard recommends JRE (Java) versions 7 and 8.
Does my computer/laptop have all necessary updates?

Make sure your computer/laptop is updated. Getting behind on computer updates can affect how well Blackboard operates on your computer.

Equipment needs

Intensive English Online requires the following equipment for successful completion of class activities.

  1. Microphone (can be built into your computer or mobile device)
  2. Webcam/Video recording capabilities
    1. Some class assignments may require you to record yourself, so having a webcam or other video device (such as a mobile device or tablet) is necessary.
  3. Headphones/earbuds
    1. Some class assignments may require you to listen closely; headphone or earbuds will help reduce distractions.

Do you have more questions?

Visit the webpage below to get additional information on system requirements.