The Dorothy and Bill Cohen Honors College recognizes the graduates listed below for their completion of one or more Honors curricula.
Emory Lindquist Honors Scholars complete 12 Honors credit hours and independent or collaborative research.
Students complete the Honors Leadership Track, Honors Law and Public Policy Track, or Honors Interdisciplinary Track with 12 credits of coursework and experiential learning such as an internship or study abroad.
The University Honors Minor is awarded to students who complete 24 credit hours of coursework, research, and experiential learning in Honors.
The Honors Baccalaureate, the highest Honors achievement, is an interdisciplinary degree awarded for completing 2 or 3 fields of study under faculty mentorship, 24 Honors credits, and a capstone project or thesis.
Departments across campus offer Departmental Honors for upper-division coursework and a research or creative project in the major.