Grace Wilkie Hall

Classrooms & Labs

This is a list of the instructional spaces in Grace Wilkie Hall, listed with their installed technology. See the classroom design descriptions to get more details about what is installed in those rooms.

  • Digital Projector Plus (DP+, Gray Box room) - This is our most common classroom type having connections for HDMI or VGA & audio, speaker coverage, and a locked control box.

( * ) Asterisks indicate rooms with videoconferencing capabilities.

Room (Capacity)

Category -Type

Registrar Schedule Controlling Department Display Type Dual Screen Display Tiered Seating

# of VC Cameras

Group Mics

Wireless Projection

GW 163 Conference Room No   TV No No 0 No No N/A
GW 165 Conference Room No   TV No No 0 No No N/A
GW 305   No   Projector No No 0 No No N/A