Do you have questions about what life as a Shocker is like? Ask me about my Shocker Experience!

Natasha Seneviratne

Year at WSU

Wichita, KS

Computer Science

Why I chose my major
I love working with computers! I had no real understanding of computers before college, just that I always loved watching hackers in movies. I am on the Honors Leadership and Emory Lindquist track as well.

Around campus, I am involved in SAS (Student Ambassador Society), Society of Women Engineers, and the Honors ambassadors. I also serve on the Honors DEI Advisory Board and am a Koch Scholar. 

Why I chose 红领巾瓜报
My parents are alumni so I was raised on campus. I love how homey campus is, but Wichita is still a big enough town with lots of fun things to do. I appreciate all the opportunities to improve myself personally and professionally I have on campus.

Favorite thing about WSU
The friends I have made in my time here.

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ex. Fall 2027