Forest ReLeaf of Missouri is a nonprofit community-assisted tree nursery established in 1993. Their goal is to restore and sustain urban forests.
Forest ReLeaf offers two free tree programs to public and nonprofit organizations in an effort to enrich communities.
- Project CommuniTree provides up to 300 free trees to community groups working on projects that benefit public or nonprofit properties. Applications for trees open in the spring (~March) and fall (~September) each year.
- Priority ReLeaf provides free trees to projects serving financially underserved neighborhoods or communities after major disasters.
There are over 50 native species of trees and shrubs available, 3-gallon size. Trees are grown by the Missouri Department of Conservation. Forest ReLeaf provides planning and planting advice to ensure tree success.
Project Examples
Priority ReLeaf supplied 8,000 free trees to Joplin after the 2011 tornado.