Initiating Authority
Faculty Senate serves as the initiating authority.
The purpose of this statement is to set forth University policy regarding a post-tenure review process for tenured faculty.
Kansas Board of Regents policy requires that each state university implement a plan to supplement its annual faculty evaluation system to assist faculty members with identifying opportunities that will enable them to reach their full potential for contribution to the university.
Administrative Procedure
In accordance with the Kansas Board of Regents Policy, Chapter II, C.8d(iv), post-tenure reviews of all tenured faculty members shall be conducted at five-year intervals, with the first review to take place five years after tenure is awarded. All of the faculty evaluation aspects of this Post-Tenure Review Policy will be conducted in accordance with the applicable WSU policies published in the WSU Policies and Procedures Manual. The following guidelines shall apply:
If a tenured faculty member receives a promotion in rank or a successful Professor Incentive Review (PIR), the five year timeline will begin with the date of that promotion or PIR.
If a tenured faculty member takes an administrative appointment, the schedule of post-tenure reviews shall be suspended until the faculty member returns to faculty status. If the term of administrative duties exceeds two years, the next review will be scheduled five years after the resumption of faculty duties.
The schedule for reviews may be delayed by one year in order to accommodate an approved leave as defined in the WSU Policies and Procedures Manual.
The post-tenure review shall be based upon an evaluation of the materials submitted by the faculty member for the previous five annual Faculty Performance Evaluations. Based on a review of these materials, the faculty member's current academic supervisor shall provide an assessment of the faculty member's performance over the past five years in each area of the faculty member's responsibility. The faculty member shall be given a copy of the academic supervisor's evaluation.
After completing the Review, the department academic supervisor must select one of the following three outcomes:
The faculty member's overall performance meets expectations and no further action is necessary.
The faculty member's overall performance does not meet expectations in two of the past four annual evaluations, and remediation is recommended in accordance with WSU Policy 4.34 / Low Performance and Dismissal for Cause. The faculty member may request a review of the recommendation to be conducted as specified in WSU Policy 4.34 / Low Performance and Dismissal for Cause.
The faculty member's overall performance does not meet expectations in three of the last five annual evaluations, and the Chair and the Dean may recommend Dismissal for Cause to the Provost, as specified in WSU Policy 4.34 / Low Performance and Dismissal for Cause.
This policy shall be included in the WSU Policies and Procedures Manual and shared with appropriate constituencies of the University.
The Provost shall have primary responsibility for publication and implementation of this University policy.
Applicable Laws And Additional Resources