Office of Planning & Analysis


Picture of Lee Ann Birdwell

Lee Ann Birdwell is the Faculty Records Archivist and Faculty Senate Liaison for the Office of Planning & Analysis and the Office of Academic Affairs.  Lee Ann can be contacted at:


Whitney Crager headshot

Whitney Crager is a research analyst and manages all Qualtrics accounts as well as responding to data requests.  Whitney can be contacted at:


picture of assistant director

Tiffany Franks is the Assistant Director and Senior Research Analyst for the Office of Planning & Analysis, and manages the OPA website, responds to internal data requests and assists in creating reports and providing data analysis. Tiffany can be contacted at:


picture of senior analyst

David Smith is the Senior Research Analyst for the Office of Planning & Analysis, and he provides the majority of institutional data to the Kansas Board of Regents and the Integrated Postsecondary Educational Data System (IPEDS). David Smith can be contacted at:


picture of Chief Data Officer

Dr. David Wright is the University's Chief Data Officer, and oversees the Office of Planning & Analysis, academic data systems, the Business Intelligence and Predictive Modeling system, data warehousing and university reporting. Dr. Wright can be contacted at:


Learn More About Dr. David Wright

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