The following is a list of Lecture Series lectures scheduled for the Spring 2001 semester.
February 9, 2001
Dennis Siginer
"The Physics of the Secondary Flows of Viscoelastic Fluids in Straight Tubes"
March 2, 2001
Prof. J. N. Reddy
Texas A & M University
"Anaysis of Shear Deformation in Plate Structures"
March 16, 2001
Prof. Andrei Fursikov
Moscow State University
"Stabilization of parabolic equation and 2D Navier-Stokes System by Feedback Boundary
March 29, 2001
Prof. Thomas Vogel
Texas A & M University
"Stability and Energy Minimality for Capillary Surfaces"
March 30, 2001
Prof. Edgar Lee Stout
University of Washington
"A General Theory of Boundary Values"
April 6, 2001
Prof. Curt Vogel
Montana State University
"Large-Scale Optimization Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Atmospheric Imaging"
April 13, 2001
Prof. Bengt Fornberg
University of Colorado
"Radial Basis Functions - A future way to solve PDE's to spectral accuracy on irregular
multidimensional domains?"
April 20, 2001
Prof. Matthias Eller
Georgetown University, Washington, DC
"Exact Boundary Controllability for Electromagnetic Fields in a Simply Connected Region"
April 27, 2001
Prof. Sigurdur Helgason
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Range Questions for the Radon Transform"
May 04, 2001
Prof. Robert Finn
Stanford University
"Liquid Bridges, Edge Blobs, andScherk-Type Capillary Surfaces"
June 04, 2001 --- CANCELLED ---
Prof. Kendall Atkinson
University of Iowa
"Solving the Radiosity Equation"
June 15, 2001
Prof. Patrick Bourgin
Ecole Superieure de Plasturgie, France
"High Velocity Dynamic Wetting: Effect of the Surrounding Air on the Three-Phase Junction